Established in 2020 with the sole purpose of revolutionising the financial industry and the world

Investroy Academy

A platform that offers a vast array of services to assist you in learning and earning within financial markets


Trade ideas with respective chart analyses, risk suggestions, entry points, target regions, and stop-out orders


Library of books and articles, video-material chart studies and educative content, monthly trade journals

Arena of limitless possibilities

Available at a click of a finger


Technical and fundamental examinations of financial instruments on the watchlist


Important news, trade updates, 24/7 customer support, annual P&L documents refreshed on a monthly basis

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With the uprise of digital stimuli that leads to high degrees of premature gratification, it is difficult to achieve a patient state of being in life and within financial markets.

Investroy Academy: Educational Bibliography

Do not know where to start your education? Worry not, since the library within the Investroy Academy offers everything you need to study.

USD/CHF (dollar-franc): the Weekly timeframe picture

Having examined the Weekly TF orchestration of USD/CHF, we have been able to identify the trend direction and make a preliminary forecast.

Investroy App 2025

Our custom-built revolutionary application is coming on App Store and Play Market very soon

To further facilitate your journey and aid in enhancing your knowledge within the realm of financial markets, we are working towards offering a platform of additional convenience and efficiency